In June 2019, Lune Rouge Productions launched their innovative multimedia entertainment project PY1 in Montreal, a traveling venue for multi-sensory experiences. Our KINETIC CHANDELIER installation became part of this fantastic new venture and the centerpiece of the show “Through the Echoes” at the top of the PY1 pyramid.
Constructed as a pyramid-shaped 81-feet high modular space, PY1 is a travelling venue that can host up to 1000 people at the same time. The first immersive show entitled ‘Through the Echos’ is a unique multimedia production that combines technology with powerful storytelling. Its takes visitors on an emotional journey through space and time using lasers, projections, lightscapes and special effects.
Lune Rouge Productions
Show Director
Gabriel Coutu-Dumont
Kinetic Show Design
Kinetic Lights System
Lune Rouge Productions